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Tennessee Valley Railroad News


Join us in expressing our heartfelt gratitude at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum, where we celebrate the unwavering support and dedication of our community and staff. This special feature highlights the countless volunteers, donors, and train enthusiasts who have contributed tirelessly to preserving the legacy of rail travel. From restoring historic locomotives to organizing unforgettable events, their efforts have been instrumental in keeping the museum’s wheels turning. It’s a tribute to the spirit of collaboration and passion that fuels our mission, showcasing stories of commitment, hard work, and the shared love for railway history that binds us all.

Merry Christmas from TVRM!

Merry Christmas from the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum Family! As the holiday season wraps its cozy arms around us, we, the entire Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum (TVRM) family, extend our warmest Merry Christmas to each of you! This year has been nothing short of amazing, and it’s all thanks to our wonderful guests who have…

Thanksgiving Wishes from Our Family – Preserving History

Celebrating Thanksgiving: A Heartfelt Message from Our Family Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. Wishing everyone a wonderful day. As we gather with our loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving, we want to extend our warmest wishes to each of you. This special day is not only a time for feasting and fun but also…

Honoring Veterans Day – A Tribute to Heroes

Salute to Service: Honoring Our Veterans on November 11 As the golden leaves of November pave the streets and the crisp air heralds the coming of winter, the eleventh day of this month holds a special significance that goes beyond the change of seasons. It’s the day we come together as a nation to pause,…