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Tennessee Valley Railroad News

Santa Train

All aboard the Santa Train at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum! Dive into enchanting news, updates, and magical moments surrounding our beloved Santa Train. Join us as we embrace the holiday spirit, with Santa Claus himself making special appearances for memorable rides.

All Aboard Santa’s Holiday Train in Delano

Capture the Spirit of the Season: All Aboard Santa’s Hiwassee Holiday Train! The holidays bring a sense of anticipation, warmth, and a longing for experiences that truly capture the season’s spirit. If you’re eager to create unforgettable memories, consider embarking on Santa’s Hiwassee Holiday Train, a journey through the scenic Hiwassee River Gorge that combines…

Chattanooga’s Norfolk Southern Christmas Event

Reflecting on the Joy: Chattanooga’s Christmas Celebrations with Norfolk Southern For many years TVRM has been proud to be host the annual Norfolk Southern Family Santa Train for local NS employees and their families.  Sponsored by the Local Safety and Service Committee NS guests are treated to a train ride and can visit with Santa…

Embrace the Spirit of Christmas in July at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum

As we navigate through the sizzling heat of July, it’s never too early to anticipate the joyous festivities of the holiday season! We’re delighted to share some customer feedback and a sneak peek into our Christmas-themed train rides that might just inspire a little festive spirit in your summer! Now, on to the festive treats!…